So here’s the thing. This recipe was a throw together for funsies that ended up taking a pretty good pic and tasting really freaking good….. Except I didn’t write anything down. To be honest, by the time I found the photo on my camera I had completely forgotten what I had used apart from apricots & coconut. My recipe at that point read something along the lines of this…..
Apricots- some, coconut- no clue: choose your own adventure, cacao butter?- did I or didn’t I? Surely there was other ingredients? What the hell were they? Anyway, I made them again because I am nice like that. You’re welcome.
200g dried apricots
100g coconut
70g Cacao butter (you could try substituting for coconut oil or ghee)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup coconut flour/almond meal/protein powder
Dark chocolate for drizzling- optional (let’s be honest, when is chocolate ever optional?)
Ok so the method. Melt the cacao butter. Grab your food processor. Whack the apricots, cacao butter & coconut in and blend until it starts to come together like a dough but still a bit chunky. Add the cinnamon & coconut flour & pulse a few times to combine. If it’s still a bit wet to roll into balls yet just whack it in the freezer for about 10minutes then roll into balls. Melt the chocolate, drizzle it over the top then pop those bad boys in the fridge to set. These can be stored in the fridge or freezer depending on your level of willpower.
Yay! I will say it loud and proud, I love balls! 🙂 Seriously though, I have an obsession with raw snack balls, and can’t wait to try these! Raw snack balls are the PERFECT thing for busy moms like me to whip up for my incessantly hungry kids, so I thank you for a new recipe for me to try!!
Thank you Michelle!