So I have a new kitchen appliance…. Well it’s not really an appliance as much as a device. I have a Veggie Twister that I have loved up until now. Trav hasn’t loved it so much because he normally gets the task of ‘noodling’ things & the veggie twister can give you a bit of RSI after a while. Recently one of my favorite people Bel from Intensity PT introduced me to the SPIROOLI I can’t believe she has been holding out on me for so long. I considered unfriending her on Facebook but she just had a whole organic lamb delivered to her house & I want to be invited to eat it so I need her for a little longer. Anyway, SPIROOLI has changed my life, it is SOOOOO much easier than the veggie twister, quicker & just way betterer. I don’t know if that’s a word but it should be.
Zucchini is low calorie and a great source of fibre. It is rich in vitamin A, flavonoid and poly-phenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds help scavenge harmful oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species from the body that play a role in aging and various disease process.
6 zucchini’s, noodled (I used my SPIROOLI)
Big bunch basil
Big bunch parsley
1 cup pistachios, lightly toasted
Juice of 2 lemons
1 tbs apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
Pinch salt & pepper
1 lge avocado
Noodle your zucchini & set aside in a big bowl. In your food processor blend the lemon juice, oil, apple cider vinegar & herbs until very well chopped. Add the avocado, salt & pepper & blend until smooth. Add the nuts and pulse a few times to combine. Chuck the pesto on top of the noodles & mix well. I recommend getting in there with your hands and giving it a good mix to get the pesto to properly coat the noodles. Don’t be shy. Hands work way better than any other implement I could find in my kitchen, and I have a cr@pload of implements in my kitchen so trust me on the hands. Now, you can chuck this in a big frypan & gently warm it through if you fancy, we ate ours raw & cold like a salad but I did warm it up the next day when I ate leftovers. Both ways are delicious. Whatever floats your boat.
Yum that looks and sounds incredible…yes, betterer is a word. Can’t wait to make this 🙂
Bee I love your work 😉