Guess What!? You can’t? Ok, well I’m going to tell you! I have ebooks! Heaps of them! Loaded with deliciousness and all 100% wholefood. No gluten, no dairy, no refined sugar & no crap. You’re welcome!
You can find them all RIGHT HERE or just click on the images below and that will shoot you right over to check them out.
Don’t forget to tag me on Facebook or Instagram in your creations too!
Fantastic tips!! This article has cleared up a lot of confusion, I will definitely put them into action ASAP. Thanks π
Thanks Gemma and thanks for stopping by the blog π
I really love this article, thank you! I’ve been interested in nutrition for quite some time though, I follow mostly a Paleo diet, eat as clean and fresh and simple as possible. What did Trav study? I would be really interested to study a nutrition course..! Thanks again. Hugs, Franziska
Oh thank you for stopping by the blog! Trav has studied many many things but his nutrition background comes from when he used to lecture on nutrition at a few PT training organizations in Brisbane.
Amen – Clear, concise and to the point. Love it and believe it and I also try to live it….some days far better then others. Thanks
Good on you Lisa, think we all fall off the wagon occasionally but I think having the knowledge of what different things do to your body is a pretty good way to keep on the straight and narrow most of the time π
Hi, these tips are great!
I just have one question though, as in sugars it was mentioned that argyle, honey and maple are acceptable – Is stevia ok? I have heard it is processed differently in the body and has an extremely low caloric content- is this true??
Hey Angie, stevia is derived from a plant leaf. Stevia leaves contain stevioside (which is 300 times sweeter than sugar) and rebaudioside (450 times sweeter than sugar) so it is technically not a ‘fake’ sugar created in a lab like sorbitol or aspartame, it is a naturally occurring sugar like pure maple syrup, agave or honey. It is very low calorie and is so much sweeter than processed sugar, you only need tiny amounts. Hope that helps?
Yes it does thanks so much! π
No worries π
Thank you for this information – it’s clear and very helpful. One question for you…
I am doing a lot of research on the pre & post workout advice to take in simple sugars to ‘correct’ (prob very layman approach!) the insulin imbalance that occurs in heavy weight training. How does this fit in to the bigger picture of the insulin carrying sugars etc to the muscles? I realise that it’s done to give the muscles a re-feed but can’t quite work out why, where or how of it all. Can you help?
Thank you, Kirsten.
Hey Kirsten, thanks for reading the post! I am handballing this qtn to Trav to explain in more detail for you…
– In answer to your question, I will try explain the hormonal responses the body has through training (and the effects that both anaerobic and aerobic training has on hormone secretion, suppression and sensitivity – all in simple terms)… When you train, you are putting your body under stress and that suppresses the secretion of insulin. Insulin is a storage hormone that is triggered by ingesting sugars (carbs) and proteins/fats (in trace amounts). If you we’re to do a strength session (anaerobic), your body uses predominantly ADP and Creatine Phosphate to fuel your workout, as well as stored sugars in the muscle (glycogen)… During both anaerobic and aerobic exercise, insulin allows glucose to be readily used by the bodyβs working tissues. The sensitivity of the muscle cells to insulin increases when exercise is stopped. Your body also secretes a few other hormones during exercise; being, cortisol (promotes and synthesizes glucose from fats and proteins), glucagon (promotes release of glycogen from the muscles and liver), epinephrine and norepinephrine (responsible for stimulating the breakdown of stored fat and glycogen for use as energy during exercise). With the onset of exercise, epinephrine and norepinephrine rapidly increase, as do cortisol and glucagon.
With these raised hormones in the blood post exercise, it takes the body a little while to return to its normal state (usually around 30-45mins, otherwise known as the window of opportunity)… During this window, the cells are extremely receptive to insulin and uptake of glucose, amino acids (and fats).
The theory is that you should consume high glycemic load carbs (simple sugars) to initiate insulin and replenish spent glycogen, sparing protein for muscle repair. The trick is to build your nutrition around your training… You should keep your carbohydrate consumption to a level that provides you sufficient fuel (glycogen), so you can train intensely, and maintain strength and metabolic function. Post training is an optimal time to include carbohydrate (clean, whole food derived) and spike your insulin levels to shuttle protein and (good) fats to the cells also. However, there are opposing theories as to how much carbohydrate and the types you should use… It is dependent on what your training routine is like (are you training twice a day or once every 2 days… Is your training largely aerobic, or is it anaerobic… etc, etc).
You can read more on this at:
I hope I have answered your question?!?! Let me know if not, and I will have another crack or give you more dribble!!!
You’ve done a great job – thank you! I’m going to re-read it a few times and have a look at the links. I’m going to ‘get’ this eventually. Thank you so much for taking the time.
I’m sure you know that the sugars commonly touted as ‘best’ pre/post are maltodextrin and dextrose however I am currently extremely reluctant to cram that shit into my body in food formfor obvious reasons. The alternative is a supp with these in it, including the Waxy Maize supp also rated by some.
I’m training for a b/building comp and my primary focus this season is to preserve muscle hence the reason why I’m looking into this. I eat really plain, really clean food and need to know why I should suddenly stick these sugars in.
Really, really helpful. Much appreciated. Thank you.
awesome blog! I’ve become a follower π Thanks for putting this into words we all can understand, sometimes I feel like people talk way to over my head! Very helpful! π
Thank so much for stopping by the blog Erin! Glad that was easy to wrap your head around! Nutrition can be so difficult to understand sometimes!
Hey I loving reading this blog!
Thank you Ashlee! Xx
Hey hey just a quick question do you know anything about the Acia berry and it’s health
Benefits ?? π
Hey Ashlee, I have used Acai berry powder a few times. Very high in antioxidants. You can add the powder to natural yoghurt or to flavor cakes etc.
Hey hey just a quick question do you know anything about the Acai berry and it’s health
Benefits ?? π
Thank you very much for this information and all your fantastic recipes. Just a question, when talking about fats and carbs not being dated together can you give examples of what you would call fats? Such as if you we’re having avocado on whole meal bread?
Hi Peggy, yep fats would include avocado, nuts, almond butter, peanut butter, oils etc. Anything that has a high fat content, even the good fats π In regards to the avo on toast, I’d be ditching the toast before the avocado. Thank you for stopping by the blog! I hope that helps?
Very, very informative. Thanks! π
Thanks for stopping by the blog
Very informative and to the point! Well done on educating people on how food should be. Just a quick question… When I eat a piece of fruit say an apple my insulin rises (spikes), if I were to eat that same apple with a small handful of seeds/nuts would my insulin rise to the same point? I have heard that consuming fruits and fats together lowers the insulin spike, is this correct?
Thanks Megan, how we each respond to an insulin spike will depend on how insulin sensitive/resistant we are. If you consume fruit & nuts/fats together your body is more likely to store that fat as fat rather than use it for energy because the fructose in the fruit is a more easily accessible source of energy. I try & eat fruit on its own. Here’s an interesting blog post
Thankyou! This article is very helpful and was very easy to read. It provided just the right sort of direction to help me with losing the last one or two kilos. I am an evening exerciser but I can see than a few morning bouts might be what it takes to get leaner – that and the fact that I am a wheat lover and doubt I’ll be able to give it up! Thanks again for the accessible, prescriptive advice.
You are welcome!
Ok so you’ve probably had this question before, but I was wondering what brands you use for protein powder.Β
I just read a pretty scary report on some nasty findings in some popular brands – including the Designer Whey brand that I use:
I’m looking for 2 powders, one flavorless and one vanilla flavor – that both taste good and work well in baking Β and smoothies. I’m from NZ but am US based and find the food quality here is always compromised.Β
I use your recipes often and am always stoked on the results – I follow a no / low sugar diet which probs aligns with paleo if you had to categorize it. Not vego so Whey powders are all good, but I’m also all for using plant based powder where I can.
Any advice on what you think the best powders are (that will be avail over here) would be awesome.Β
Thank you so much!
Also, I find pea protein works better in baking & whey is better in uncooked stuff π
Thank you! I may have just got the tail end of your message though where you mention pea is better for baking? Was there one prior where you mention particular brands?
Thanks again π
Hi Amy, I have used the Vital brand of pea protein which I find good for baking. The grassfed whey from professional whey is a great whey brand too
I wish I could make it this Saturday to hear you, Trav and Lily talk nutrition but I am on night shift! I have a million questions that I want to pick your brains on π I absolutely love your articles!!
I was also wondering what your thoughts are on the sunrice 90 second brown rice and quinoa packs as that is what I am using to have with tuna and spinach when I am feeling low in energy and have no time to prep.
Do you have any tips for night shift eating?
Thanks! Jess
Hey Jess! What other ingredients are in the rice/quinoa packs would be my first question? I would lean more towards a protein source (tinned wild caught salmon maybe) & some good healthy fats (good glug of olive oil or an avocado) to keep you fuller for longer than grains but totally up to what makes you feel good. For Trav for his weekday lunches I grab the slow cooker on a weekend, fill it with chicken thighs, big bag of frozen veggies, a chopped sweet potato, tin of tomatoes, 500ml coconut cream & top the rest with chicken stock & let it go for the day. Once it’s cool, I put it into containers & freeze it for his lunch every day. You could always try & make extra when you are making lunch so you have leftovers & boiled eggs are a great ‘anytime’ snack as well a a big Fritatta might be good too. Hope that helps!
Oh & feel free to email me if you do want to ask more questions π
Hi Shan,
Thank you for this. It’s incredibly helpful!
One question. I am 2 months pregnant and i was wondering if you are following the same guidelines above while pregnant. You look incredible so i am guessing you did, but how did you learn to listen to your head rather than your new influx of hormones telling you what to eat??
Thanks so much!
Hey Paula,
I sure did but I guess I am that used to eating this way that it didn’t occur to me to eat any other way. Throughout my pregnancy I have followed a pretty high fat, moderate carb, moderate protein approach and tried to just give my body the most nutritious food I could. I didn’t have any cravings so I guess I was lucky in that respect. I did go through a stage where I felt like eating a lot more fruit than I usually do so I just went with that when I felt like it. For me I just wanted to grow the healthiest little human I possibly could and I know that’s not going to happen with crappy food so that made it much easier to choose the best options possible. I have loved being pregnant, maintained my exercise, have not put on an enormous amount of excess weight and am hoping that my labour will be great too and I think it really is a reflection of my nutrition throughout this journey. I am hoping Pebbles is going to be a super healthy & resilient baby too because of it. Good luck with your pregnancy, do what feels right for you and just enjoy it. It really is such an amazing experience.
This is great! Thanks so much. Pebbles is probably in there grinning from ear to ear thanks so how good she feels. This is all really good advice and at the end of the day because we wants whats best for our kids, the only way is to nourish ourselves the best possible way right now. This will be my mantra and i think it will be all i need to kick the cravings i have been getting to the curb π
Sending you much love in these last couple of weeks! Wish you and Pebbles an easy delivery! π
Thank you Paula! I am sure you are going to grow an amazing little human.
I am diabetic. Will Xylitol be okay to use rather than honey? Thanks, I’ve just discovered your website and already luv it. Keep well!
Hi Amin, I have never experimented with xylitol but feel free to give it a try and let me know. Just remember it will behave a little differently being a solid rather than a liquid