I have a dream. It’s about ice cream, bacon & unicorns. How fun does that sound! But really…..
You know what would be awesome? To see a nation of healthy people, happy & able to do whatever it is they dream of. People not plagued by debilitating illness, inflammation, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer & cognitive dysfunction. To not have to watch people we love suffer at the hands of these completely preventable diseases. No one wants to be sick, they just don’t know how to prevent it or start to heal from it. So, they take the drugs, continue to feed their body garbage & wonder why nothing changes. Our bodies are amazing machines. They have the ability to heal & repair if we provide them with the right foundation to do it. Food is that foundation. Food is our medicine or our poison.
I always thought that quote ‘Be The Change You Want To See In The World’ was for the powerful people to take notice of, not me. The celebrities, the politicians, the wealthy, they are the ones that can make a change. Then I realized that I can make a change. You can too. If all of us on this journey to better health & wellness just helped one person improve their health imagine what that would do!? You might not know everything but I bet you know more than them. Share that knowledge with them. I am going to share mine with you too.
This is my ‘One Kitchen At A Time’ project & it’s going to be fun! Want some help with food prep? Just need a bit of kitchen know how? Want to get healthier but don’t know where to start? Just want to shoot the breeze with me about all things food & wellness? Well now you can. If I don’t have the expertise to help you, I have a network of amazing, capable people who can.
If you want a bit of coaching from me then I would love to help. I can tailor a package to suit each individual’s needs based on where you are at with your health & wellness journey & what you really want help with. Phone, Skype or face to face options are available depending on your location. We can cook, shop, plan meals, or purely discuss what you need help with and work out how you are going to achieve it.
The Hang-Out-
One-on-one catch up consultations for a minimum of 1hr/ session start at $80/hour. These are perfect for the person who just wants a bit of guidance, direction and advice around food, cooking & meal prep but are pretty confident with their kitchen skills already.
The Single Date-
In-home cooking workshops tailored to you (and your families needs). From gluten-free to low-carb, fussy eaters, or meal prepping & batch cooking, I’ve got you covered. Prices start from $100/hour
The Group Date-
1.5 hr cooking classes of up to 6 people can be hosted at your own home. These are charged at $450 (excluding groceries) and are the perfect way to get some friends or family together to learn some new kitchen skills.
Any travel over 1/2hr will be charged as part of the consultation and any consultation less than 1hr will incur the 1hr fee. Over 1hr will be charged in half hour increments.
Any questions or to book please email me at myfoodreligion@gmail.com
We can change the world, one kitchen at a time.
Here’s what some peeps are saying….
“Lots of great, easy to understand recipes, and nutritional information. The format was fun and interactive. The feedback from my members was awesome, everyone loved the experience and wants Shan back for our next challenge. Shan is highly knowledgeable and very passionate about what she does. She is also very charismatic with a great sense of humor and ability to engage with her audience.” – Luke, Owner at Crossfit Iron Lion Sunshine Coast
“There’s no question that Shan’s recipes are delicious but she exudes passion when talking about it, so I was excited to see someone so excited to talk about food. Her enthusiasm is contagious. Shan also keeps it real, she doesn’t sugar coat anything (pun totally intended.) And lastly, shes a mum of a gorgeous but busy toddler, she understands what time poor means, so her recipes are super easy for time poor Mums like myself. Shan showed me first hand how simple her recipes can be, it’s not about being a masterchef. These workshops are perfect for anyone who is looking for motivation, stuck in a rut or anyone who thinks eating healthy is about kale and spinach. As the owner of a CrossFit Affiliate, Shan was able to motivate and inspire all of my members completing a challenge and makes them giggle along the way!” – Revie Jane, Owner at Train Fitness Gold Coast
Shan was funny, easy to work with and no fuss. She taught my clients that cooking at home and meal prepping can be easy, simple and delicious and instilled trust in them that they can do it, rather than relying on packet food. I would recommend her classes to all my clients. – Janet, Owner at Achieving You Brisbane
So happy to see like- minded people) My name is Natasha and I teach healthy cooking classes in Brisbane) Would love to have class together. My passion is cooking and healthy relationship in life with everyone and everything around us.
Let me know if you are interested)
I have 2 girls and I am feeding both of them the same way you feed Grace.I also am eating this way as well after my first born in 2014 I became sick and she as well with allergies.I feel this diet is a life safer and definitely feel good and see changes with them and there health aa well.Although I am the mom that packs the kale and freaks out about her eating things just because she still hasn’t outgrown all her allergies yet.Such an inspiration and love the lifestyle.Great job mama and this is my vision for all these little ones coming into the world
Thank you Faye! You are doing an amazing job mumma! I appreciate your kind words x
Very true what Faye said . I just wanna say . I’m 17 and stumbled upon this article about you feeding Grace this Paleo-diet . I never knew there was such a thing. I’m going to start this off as soon as I can. Being an obese teen, it’ll be fine. I’ve been planning on dieting anways… after thanksgiving lol.. I’m happy I found a good diet. I wish my friends could read this but, they need it to be easier to look into.. so I went to look for an app in the AppStore .. and there’s none under the name MyFoodReligion . I reeealllyyyy hope you’re working on making one. Regardless I’m still going to start this diet as soon as I can . I just want an easy access, because that’s what they’re used too
Thank you Mayra. I hope you can make changes that make you feel better and are sustainable. I personally don’t believe in diets because I think we need to make changes to our eating that results in a lifestyle that you can continue. I have a heap of ebooks in the ebook tab of my website and I just released a new one today under the Fed & Fit in 21 tab on the website.
I have been trying to find a way to help my kids eat healthier. I have recently been diagnosed with IBS and I have no gallbladder and thyroid issues, so food and me do not get along. I have heard over and over about this and just couldn’t find something that caught my eye to help. My son will be 5 in November and has ADHD & OCD so sugar is not good. His sister on the other hand loves to eat so I want it to be healthier. I want to thank you and I can’t wait to share my journey. Thank you!
Thank you Leslie! Good luck with your journey
I have an 11 yr old son that has oral sensory processing disorder. It has been very frustrating through the years. I would love your advice on healthy foods for him.
Hi, that’s not my area of specialty I’m afraid but maybe check out Dr Natasha Campbell McBride.
We have a 4 year old son that doesn’t eat sugar or any junk food and never has. Also, doesn’t watch tv. People and family have always tried to pressure us into feeding him sugar and not being so strick but when a baby starts off on the right track the way Grace does you can see a big difference between your child and other children. We are vegan and we feed our son organic and gluten free. He doesn’t act out like most kids and is rarely ever sick. It’s very refreshing to read your story and it makes me very happy considering how many times I see parents feeding their children all the wrong things, especially McDonald’s. I grew us sick with alot of health issues but through detoxing and healthy food I am today a healthy 35 year old. I am passionate about living healthy lifestyle in every way and want the same for my son.
Well done Trish and congratulations for giving your son the diet that you think is right for him
I feel better on a paleo diet, but how do you get past the sorrow of eating so much meat? I hate the slaughter industry. Mentally, it’s challenging for me to eat so much meat. Please help
I can understand that, I make sure I choose quality over quantity and only buy Grassfed and organic where possible so I know I am supporting the farmers who are doing their best to ensure happy and healthy animals