Vegan friends shield your eyes, this recipe ain’t for you, though give it time and I have no doubt that there will be some shady vegan version made out of tofu & sadness at some point in time. I’m not having a dig at vegans, I was vegetarian for almost 15 years until slow cooked lamb shoulder broke my will and essentially put me back on the path to regaining my health… But that’s a story for another day.
When I used to think of marrow bones, my mind automatically went to ‘dog food’. Now, when I think of marrow bones I think ‘holy crapballs get in my belly’. If you are yet to try bone marrow you have not lived people. Have. Not. Lived. Marrow is the mostly fatty, slightly protein rich, mineral dense gear that is found inside the hard cavity of bone. It does an ace job at supporting immunity, gut health, bone health, injury recovery and insulin regulation. Plus it tastes bloody epic! Despite being a predominantly fatty morsel of deliciousness “A University of Michigan-led study shows that the fat tissue in bone marrow is a significant source of the hormone adiponectin, which helps maintain insulin sensitivity, break down fat, and has been linked to decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity-associated cancers. The findings appear in today’s online-ahead-of-print issue of Cell Metabolism.” U of M Health. So yah-bloody-hoo to that.
As with all animal products, quality is important. We can’t expect to gain health by consuming animals that were intensively farmed, antibiotic laden and not eating what nature intended them to eat. This is even more important when we are talking about organ meats and things like bones and bone marrow which are super-concentrated sources of nutrition but can also be concentrated sources of toxins if the animals were not healthy. My fave place to source quality meats are Australian Natural Food Co (you can use the code SOFANDSHAN to get 15% off) and Sherwood Rd Organic Meats (they have 2 other locations as well).
This is actually barely even a recipe now that I think about it. I am going to do another recipe using marrow too. Think duck fat roasted potatoes are the bee’s knees? Wait till you try my BONE MARROW ROASTED POTATOES. Holy sh*t. So good.
Roasted Bone Marrow
- 4 organic marrow bones, sliced lengthways
- 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
- 1 tbs fresh rosemary, finely chopped
- 1 tsp quality rock or sea salt
Preheat your oven to 200C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Place bones on the baking paper and sprinkle with salt. place slices of garlic along the bone and sprinkle with rosemary.
Roast for 20-25 mins until golden then remove. The marrow is best served on fresh sourdough bread or we used the Paleo Hero bread for a grain free option.
Scoop the marrow out of the bone and spread on the bread and dig in!
I ate marrow today and it was delicious! Next time I’ll pimp it with garlic and rosemary. Today was salt and pepper only.
Sounds delicious!
So…how did you get the bones sliced? I have a source for grass fed beef bones but have no idea how I would cut them in half?!
The butcher did it for me
The butcher did it for me with a bone saw
Hit it really hard on a rock. It’ll break open. Yum.
Hi I live in San Antonio Texas. What kind of bone so u recommend. We would like to try this for the first time.
I used organic beef marrow bones
You blow my mind!! I read about you on a pop up when I was looking for ADHD diets! This is IT!! So I tried this marrow recipe and put it on a 7 grain (I know… grains. But give me a chance. I’m new to this) protein hard bar that I make and OMFG!!!! The only thing i changed was rosemary. Never been able to stomach it so i did basil and oregano So good. SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!!! Thank you!
Thank you Rene, I’m so pleased you enjoyed it