Buying good quality proteins does not need to explode your credit card and render you penniless and living on the street. You just need to wise-up and dare to try cuts of meat you might not normally. This is another super affordable recipe using some more grassfed meat from YOUNG FARMERS. Less expensive cuts of beef can taste like old shoes if not cooked properly but when slow cooked it turns into a magical mouth party. Sumac really gives this recipe its kick-arse-ery. If you haven’t tried sumac before, trust me, you want to get on board. It’s zesty, it’s tangy and apparently that business is antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory & full of antioxidants. Friggen boom. Thanks for coming sumac. It’s delicious on eggs, seafood & chicken too.
800g (or 4 pieces) of blade steak (or a similar cut)
1tbs sumac
3 tbs coconut oil/ghee/olive oil
Good whack of salt & pepper
1/2 cup beef stock (or water)
1 red onion, roughly chopped
4 carrots, roughly chopped
Preheat your oven to 150C. In a baking dish mix the sumac, oil, salt & pepper then give the steak a good rub with it to coat both sides. Pop the steak aside on a plate for a sec, in the same baking dish add the onion, carrots & stock/water and give it a good mix about. Pop the steak on top and cover with foil. Whack it in the oven for about 4hrs or until the steak pulls apart easily. You can do the same thing in your slow cooker if you fancy. Once it’s cooked. Eat it.
Cooking this tonight. Very excited re: the sumac.
I thought this would excite you.