This looks good doesn’t it. It really was, it was delicious. I had never actually had ice cream made with fresh mint before and well, it was fresh, and minty. Geeze I am good at describing stuff. You guys are so lucky. It tastes completely unlike any mint-flavored ice cream you have ever had, using the real deal instead of mint extract or essence makes all the difference. I actually only used 1 tbs honey to sweeten mine but you might need to add more if you are used to sweeter stuff.
3 cups full fat coconut cream
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup honey/maple syrup (or stevia to taste)
1 cup coarsely chopped fresh mint
1 vanilla bean (or 1 tsp vanilla bean powder)
2 egg yolks
Whisk the cream and water together, and pour them into a saucepan set over medium-low heat. When the mix begins to bubble slightly at the edges of the pan, stir in the honey until it dissolves. Turn off the heat. Add the mint into the saucepan. Take a sharp knife, and cut a slit length-wise in the vanilla bean, then pop the whole thing in with the liquid ingredients and the mint. Cover the pot and allow it to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain into a mixing bowl, cover it & pop it to the fridge until cold. When the ice cream mix completely cold, whisk in the egg yolks until thoroughly combined. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and watch the magic happen.
Hi there! This looks amazing! You wouldn’t happen to have a thermomix conversion for this recipe? I get confused when trying to convert. Thanks 🙂
Hmmmm, I just did it all in the thermo, pretty much the same process. The first bit I did on 90 degrees on speed 2 for about 10 mins, the rest is easy. Hope that helps?
SOOOOOO making this! It looks sensational Shan! You are so creative!
Thanks Amy, I am actually just a pig 😉
Oh you are so not! But if you were you’d be a very healthy one!
Hehe, yes a healthy pig 😉
Looks and sounds amazing. Sadly I’m allergic to eggs though :/ is there anything you could substitute eggs with? x
Tayla, such a shame! I think you could leave the eggs out all together. I have made egg free ice cream before, it’s just not quite as creamy.