I made a new batch of coconut butter tonight, half some of it made it into a jar. As I was eating the rest out of the thermomix, I was contemplating what I could make with the surviving batch. This was the result. Don’t be deterred by the high fat content of coconuts, the saturated fat in coconut is made up of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids the body quickly turns into energy instead of storing as fat. Therefore, even though it’s high in saturated fat, coconut can aid in weight loss. Half the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut are composed of lauric acid, which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. Coconut can help boost the immune system.
2 cups Coconut Butter
1 tsp vanilla powder or extract
1 cup raspberries (fresh or frozen)
Pinch stevia or tbs agave syrup
Mix coconut butter, vanilla and stevia well in a bowl. Line a container with baking paper, add raspberries then pour over coconut butter mix. Pop it in the fridge or freezer to set then cut into chunks and eat! Store it in the fridge or freezer…..if you don’t eat it all 1st
I love it!!
Thank you
waw! a georgous & very tasty creation! Yummo!
It was devoured pretty quickly!
Raspberries are my all time favorite fruit ever!!! I think that can of coconut cream will be used for these!!
Omg I
them too! Especially with chocolate….